Here are our most recent school outcomes with comparisons to the national outcomes, and the outcomes of Hampshire Local Authority.
GLD = Good Level of Development. This is the expectation of what children will achieve when they finish their first year of school, at the end of Year R.
EXS = Expected Standard. This is is the age appropriate expectations for children.
GDS = Greater Depth. This is working beyond the age appropriate expectations for children.
The above table shows the % of pupils at Marlborough Infant School finishing Year R having achieved a 'Good Level of Development', including showing age appropriate skills and knowledge in English and maths. The national and Local Authority %s are also shown.
The above table shows the % of children who met the expected standard in their Year 1 phonics screening, a check that all children in Year 1 across the country must sit. If they fail to meet the expected standard in Year 1, children resit at the end of Year 2 and these outcomes are also published, along with the national and Local Authority comparisons.
The above table shows the reading outcomes at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2), along with the national and Local Authority comparisons.
The above table shows the writing outcomes at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2), along with the national and Local Authority comparisons.
The above table shows the maths outcomes at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2), along with the national and Local Authority comparisons.
The above table shows the combined outcomes at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2), along with the national and Local Authority comparisons. This is children who achieved the expected standard or beyond in reading, writing and maths.