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Marlborough Infant School

‘Together for Excellence’



Children will be given many opportunities to read throughout the day in Sycamore Class.  They are heard reading daily at all levels using authentic levelled books during their daily Read Write inc phonic lessons and will move onto using real books in their Guided Reading sessions once they have finished the programme.


In the afternoons, children have time to access a range of picture books during quiet reading. During this time an adult may hear them read on a one-to-one or small group basis.


They will have weekly access to the school's library where we have a wide selection of fiction and non fiction books updated regularly.


The children will have regular story times where an adult will share a story with them.


Reading at home


The children will come home with a number of books to share at home.


They will have a replica 'floppy copy' of the Read Write inc book they are learning in their phonics session. They will also have access to a supplementary Read Write inc 'book bag book' which mirrors the level and theme of their in class book. These will be changed weekly.


They will also have a 'home reader' book which should be pitched to a suitable level for your child. They can independently change this book once they have read with an adult. 


When they have visited the library they will be able to borrow a book to read at home with an adult. These will be changed upon the next visit to the library.


Finally, they will be able to access an online library called Oxford Reading buddy which is a fantastic tool. Once the children are familiar with a story, they can take a quiz which will determine their understanding of the story and give them access to further books as they 'unlock' levels.  Please read below to find out more information.


Please ensure they put their books in their book bags when they are not reading them, this will help with their organisation and ensure they have them to hand when it is time to change them.  
