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Marlborough Infant School

‘Together for Excellence’


Year 1 - Ash Class

Welcome to Ash Class!!

The children in Ash Class have had a very exciting week this week.

On Monday, it was our first ever Sports Day! We had so much fun, and we were so grateful that so many parents came to watch us!

On Wednesday, we had lots of fun watching and celebrating the Queen's Baton Relay at Aldershot Military Stadium.

On Thursday, we had some snakes come to visit us! Although some of us started off a bit scared, we all faced our fears and were brave. Some of us even held the snakes around our necks!

On Friday we were celebrating the school's 125th Anniversary!!! We really enjoyed the fair that we had in the afternoon, and loved joining in with all of the activities!



Please continue to read online using Oxford Reading Buddy, as well as reading the school books sent home with your child. We are shortly going to be collecting in all of the books that belong to school, so please ensure that these are sent in with your child!


If you have any questions about the homework and reading, please come and catch me at the gate either at the beginning or end of the day and I will endeavour to answer any questions you may have!


From Miss Cox x


Please use Oxford Reading Buddy to read a range of books at home, there is even a quiz for you to complete at the end of the story! These quizzes are important and should be done as independently as possible.

We look forward to hearing about all the books you have read!


From Miss Cox x 


Remember to write the books you have read on Oxford Reading Buddy into your reading diaries.



Please check the tasks regularly as they may be added during the week as we learn new concepts. The tasks should be completed as independently as possible, and I look forward to seeing all the amazing scores that you manage to get!!


From Miss Cox x


for week ending Friday 8th July is...



For being super brave, and facing all of his fears when handling the snakes!!!

Well done, you are amazing!





House Point Winners!!


The winners of the house point competition this week is:


Blue House!!!


If you are in the winning house, you may come into school wearing mufti on Friday!

Well Done!!!!


