Please ring us on our help lines below for information and support with home-school communication or if you have any questions relating to your child’s education or well-being.
All our assistants speak good English so if you can use even a little English you can call at any of the times listed below.
If you need an interpreter for any other language just ring EMTAS: 01256 330195 or email: with your contact details and the language you speak and we will do our best to help you.
Thursday 10:00am–12:00
01256 330195
EMTAS Base: Basingstoke
EMTAS telephone advice service for schools and parents/carers to answer questions relating to Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils and to discuss any concerns.
To speak with one of our dedicated Traveller team:
If you have concerns about the progress of a pupil for whom English is an Additional Language, please phone our EAL/SEND phone line for further advice. Note that this phone line is for schools and other professionals only.
EMTAS telephone advice service for schools and parents/carers to discuss concerns and get advice in relation to the Emotional Literacy Support needs of pupils from black and minority ethnic groups (including Travellers).
To speak with our trained ELSA team member, Julie Curtis:
Phone 02392 441 450
Ask for the ELSA phone line
Thursday 09.30am–12.00pm (term time only)